THE STRIPP are a high-energy, turbo charged rock n roll machine, carving their own unique chapter in Australia’s rich sonic history.
Unleashing a rapid-fire barrage of high-voltage guitars and bulldozer riffs, the band’s unique heavy style, captivating live shows and extensive touring has gained them a reputation as one of Australia’s finest, high-energy rock n roll bands.
We’ve loved watching this band get better and better over the last few years. We’re so excited to finally be working with them on a new Split 7” with The Maggie Pills.
Order now (link below)

Two of the best live bands in Oz; The Stripp & The Maggie Pills combine forces on a new Split 7" from Tuff Cuff Records - Both tracks new and on vinyl for the first time. Side A: Gotta Go. Side B: Gold
Pre-Order the Split 7" now on Ltd Ed Gold Vinyl or Black Vinyl - Expected to ship April/May 2024.
If you ordered our Mystery Vinyl #3 then you will receive the super special and secret variant - well done!